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Home » 4 Questions To Ask Before Car Accident Claim Settlement

4 Questions To Ask Before Car Accident Claim Settlement

Car accidents are the most common cause of personal injuries in the United States. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t have the right to be recompensed for your damage. Irrespective of who is at fault in a road collision, you are always entitled to seek some compensation for your losses.

Determining a reasonable reward can be tricky as the process takes into consideration many factors. Hence, in most cases of car accident injuries, it is good to hire a Lafayette Car Accident Attorney to ensure a fair settlement.

A fair settlement varies significantly from case to case. Therefore, you should find answers to the questions below to assess the quality of your claim settlement:

  • Is it going to cover your medical expense? If you were injured in a car accident, you would probably visit a doctor. At times, you may be required to even get hospitalized. All these would certainly lead to some medical expenses. Hence, the primary step in any personal injury case settlement is to consider the total amount of the existing and future medical expenses and see whether this amount is covered in the settlement or not.

Note: If you have lost a loved one in an auto accident, you should seek help from a seasoned wrongful death lawyer in Lafayette to recover your loss.

  • Is it going to make up for your lost earning? Many a time, your car accident injuries might prevent you from working further for a specific period of time post accident. Hence, if you have remained absent from work due to injuries, your settlement should ideally recompense you for what you lost out on.
  • What type of insurance coverage is included in your accident claim? No matter how talented your injury lawyer in Lafayette, LA is, if your insurance policy has limited coverage, you might not be reimbursed all your losses. In cases wherein the damage is much greater than what is covered in the insurance, it is always a good idea to get paid for the medical bills and accept some residual amount.
  • Under what circumstances did the accident occur? It is really tough to define a fair settlement as it varies hugely depending on the case in question. Each car accident claim is different and so is the due settlement associated with it.

Apart from the major factors like medical expense and wage loss, there are some “non-economic losses” that can influence your compensation:

  • Loss of pleasure in life
  • Intense suffering and pain
  • Discomfort
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of companionship
  • Other types of damage with no fixed amount in dollars

Regardless of the degree of damage in a personal injury case, the best way to calculate your just compensation is by consulting an experienced personal injury lawyer in Lafayette at the Law Offices of Clay Burgess.

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