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After a Car Accident

What Shouldn’t I Say After a Car Accident?

After a car accident, there are steps you must take to ensure your own safety (or anyone else) and, to properly document the accident for law enforcement and insurance reasons. There are also some things you should never, ever do after a wreck.

Do not leave the scene

Whether a wreck looks serious or not, you always stop, make sure medical aid is called, exchange insurance information and call the police. If you don’t, you’ve committed a crime.

Do not start apologizing

Saying “I’m sorry” after a car accident is another way of admitting that you are at fault. Some people tend to say this just because they are upset about the incident. Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention” may turn into an admission of liability if the matter goes to court.

Do not lose your temper

A car crash is never a pleasant experience. Don’t start laying blame or yelling at the other driver, even if the wreck was their fault. It’s not going to fix anything. You need to be able to do everything you need to do in terms of the accident. Don’t forget to properly document the wreck: take photos, talk to witnesses,  and get the right insurance information from the other motorist.

Do not skip reporting the accident

If you don’t get a police report documenting your wreck, what proof do you have that it even happened? Be sure to call 911. In some areas, law enforcement doesn’t always respond to collisions unless there are injuries, but you always have the opportunity to get an accident report.

Do not talk with the other driver’s insurance company or attorney

First of all, were you injured in the wreck? If so, you need to see a doctor right away. And, if another driver is threatening legal action against you, you’ll probably need to get a lawyer of your own.

Also, do not just accept the first offer that comes your way. Consider each offer carefully in light of your expenses, damages or medical bills, and discuss it with your attorney before going forward.

When you or a loved one has been injured, you want the best personal injury lawyer to handle the case. The car accident lawyers of the Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess have helped thousands of individuals across Louisiana get the results they deserve. After a car accident, you need a lawyer who can answer your questions and inform you of your rights.

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