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Home » Car Accidents in an Unsafe Environment

Car Accidents in an Unsafe Environment

After an accident, we do our best to take stock of the situation. We may exit the vehicle and begin to gather information for the police and our attorney. However, it is not always possible to accomplish this safely. At all times, our safety is the number one priority. Take stock of your situation and be sure to operate carefully in an unsafe environment.

What Makes an Unsafe Environment?

If we find ourselves wrecked on a busy road, then we must be mindful of our surroundings. Car accidents on highways and interstates mean several cars will be passing by in a hurry. An accident will not necessarily stop traffic. You should only exit the vehicle if it is safe to do so. Determine where you will be in the least danger and wait there for the police to arrive. They will be taking pictures and gathering information for the accident report. Remain in your vehicle if needed and write down relevant information from inside.

While it does not happen often, our actions after an accident may lead to further injury or death. Be aware of what is going on around you. Other drivers may not be paying attention to people on the side of the road, and you may be struck by a vehicle. While this is terrible enough inside of your car, outside of the car can potentially be a death sentence. Stay buckled up and stay inside!

Bad weather may be hazardous as well and contribute to an unsafe environment. Rain and wind can cause other vehicles to lose visibility or control and strike you. Lightning and hail may occur in the case of a violent storm. Again; stay inside of your vehicle if it is not safe.

Unsafe Neighborhood

Not every dangerous area is dangerous due to other cars. It is a simple fact that some areas of a city suffer from higher crime rates. If you are in an accident in an area of high crime or suspicious activity, stay in your car and wait for the police. Call 911 and remain on the line with them until help arrives.

Criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot. If they suspect that law enforcement is on the way, they will likely stay clear. Additionally, give descriptions of anyone who menacingly approaches your vehicle. Police will arrive to deal with them as well.

Ensuring your safety and getting medical assistance after a car accident should be your number one priority. After that, be sure to contact our law offices to meet with a car accident attorney. We can assist you in getting the most financial compensation possible for your injuries. Don’t Delay, Call Clay!

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