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Motor Vehicle Accidents

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to the carelessness or negligence of someone else, taking rational decisions may turn out to be challenging. Contact Motor Vehicle Defects Attorney for your claim.

Free Case Evaluation. Only Pay If We Win.

    Understanding and Addressing Motor Accidents

    No one wants to be involved in motor vehicle accidents. But as the old saying goes, accidents happen. You may be a reasonable and safe driver. Yet you can’t account for all the other drivers on the road with you at all times.

    Lots of things factor into accidents. Vehicle design, speed, road conditions, and drunk driving are all possibilities. Driver distraction (texting or talking on a cell phone while driving) is a rising concern. You probably have a friend who takes their hands off the wheel to check their phone.

    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3 million people are injured in accidents each year. Experienced legal representation from a Louisiana car accident lawyer is crucial. You want reasonable compensation for your injuries suffered in an automobile accident.


    Call The Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess Today!

    After The Accident

    You may be eligible for compensation for your injuries. Regardless of the circumstances that caused the other driver’s behavior. There are times when auto accidents are due to another person’s negligence. In these cases, victims can receive compensation. Thus, it is key that you consult an experienced lawyer after an accident.

    Additionally, the Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess has offices located statewide. We have experienced attorneys who will look after you and your legal interests. It might be tempting to take a settlement from an insurance company right away.

    But, do you know how much an accident is worth? Do you know if you will have related medical bills further down the line? An attorney will have the experience and the context to know what your case is worth.

    Things To Consider In The Aftermath Of An Accident

    Motor vehicle accidents are jarring, confusing things. But the first thing you should do after a wreck is to consult an attorney. Following a few simple guidelines after an accident is important. This will help you get the best possible outcome. Even if you decide not to sue or keep a lawyer. The choices you make can help your case or hurt it. Sometimes they can even have permanent effects on your health and well being.

    Do’s And Don’ts

    Don’t delay seeking attention for any injuries
    Call the police; this will help document the accident
    Don’t admit fault to any party
    Seek medical attention even if you don’t think you’re injured
    Document evidence from the scene of the accident
    Don’t discuss your case with outside parties
    Do not sign documents that aren’t provided to you by police or by your insurance agent

    Health Check

    Motor vehicle accidents can result in significant injuries to drivers and passengers. First of all, it is important to remain calm and to assess the situation.

    Check for injuries.

    Are you injured? Call 911 or ask a passenger or bystander to do so. If your injuries are serious, try not to move, and wait for emergency response personnel. If you are not injured, check on the status of your passengers. Is anyone else in the vehicle injured? Contact emergency response and report their injuries to the dispatcher.

    Get to safety.

    Move to the side of the road or onto a sidewalk. If your car is safe to move and is causing a hazard on a busy road, move it to the side of the road. Otherwise, you should leave it where it is and get you and your passengers to safety.

    Wait for help.

    Turn off your engine. Turn on your warning lights. Deploy road flares to warn other vehicles, if available.

    Why Should I Be Careful On Social Media?

    Stay Off of Social Media

    Sometimes it can be tempting to keep people updated about your accident on social media. Don’t. This is one of the worst things you can do for your case.

    Insurance adjusters and investigators often keep tabs on claimants using social media. That post and picture that you think are harmless? It could be evidence against you. Photographs of recent trips or of you socializing aren’t safe either. Unrelated postings could be evidence that you aren’t actually injured. Even an innocent statement like “I’m feeling much better today”. That could be an admission that your injury isn’t permanent. Don’t depend on privacy settings to protect you from prying eyes.

    If you discuss your accident with friends and family, do it in person. Often, the wisest thing to do is deactivate your social media accounts until the case is over.

    Document The Accident

    Information is key to a successful personal injury case. Document the facts and events as thoroughly as possible.

    Identify the officers.

    Get the name and badge number of all officers responding to the accident. Write down which departments they belong to.

    Accident Report.

    Ask the officers where you can get a copy of their report. When will it be available? What is the report number?


    Get pictures of all the vehicles involved. Take pictures/video of the whole accident scene. Make sure you capture the damage done to all vehicles.

    Get names.

    Write down the names, addresses, phone numbers and email address of everyone involved.

    Insurance information.

    Find out if the other driver has auto insurance. With which company?

    Talk to witnesses.

    Were there witnesses? What are their names and contact information?

    Get a FREE case evaluation today!

    Schedule a FREE Personal Injury Consultation with our Attorney today.


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