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Whiplash Injury Attorney

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to the carelessness or negligence of someone else, taking rational decisions may turn out to be challenging. Contact Whiplash Injury Attorney for your claim.

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    Whiplash Injury Attorney

    What is whiplash?

    Whiplash occurs when the neck is forcibly and violently bent backward and then forward (or vice versa).  This causes injury to the soft tissues of the neck.  These are the joints and ligaments that link your vertebrae together and allow you to flex your neck in a wide range of directions. Whiplash most commonly occurs when there is a very sudden acceleration or deceleration, such as in a car accident. Although, it is important to note that some degree of this injury occurs with head injuries.

    Whiplash can encompass a wide array of specific neck injuries. Usually, there is a minor sprain to ligaments of the neck. Sometimes there is also a partial dislocation of a joint.  More seriously, vertebrae of the neck could be fractured or a ligament may rupture. The classic symptom of whiplash is that the stiffness and pain in the neck are much more noticeable 24 hours after the injury has occurred, and may continue to worsen over a period of several days.

    Other symptoms that can occur:

    stiffness of the neck
    difficulty moving the head
    pain in arms or shoulders
    muscle spasms
    memory loss
    pins and needles feeling
    poor concentration

    If you are suffering from a Whiplash or Neck Injury then consulting with a highly experienced Whiplash Injury Attorney will be a beneficial step.

    Don’t wait to get started. Let’s get together now.

    If you or a loved one has experience whiplash symptoms, you may have legal grounds to seek compensation.

    What causes whiplash?

    Whiplash is commonly associated with car accidents. In particular, with those where a car is rear-ended by another vehicle. As previously mentioned, all head injuries involve a degree of whiplash. Additionally, whiplash is common in the following types of accidents:

    motor vehicle accidents of any kind
    falls and slips
    head trauma from a physical assault
    sports such as football, boxing, or martial arts
    being stuck on the head by a heavy object while at work
    boating accidents
    outdoor activities like biking or ATVs

    When should I seek medical attention?

    As a precaution, any head injury should be checked by a medical professional. Whiplash should be accessed for its severity and the possibility of long-term damage. Since symptoms take hours to weeks to fully develop, you would want to rule out other causes as soon as you can. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re fine after a head or neck injury. Especially if you don’t feel bad in the immediate aftermath!

    Most cases of whiplash are minor soft tissue damage and will get better on its own after several weeks. More severe cases can result in long-term pain and physical impairment. You may need physical therapy, pain management, or medical specialists. Especially if you have long-lasting symptoms.

    Contact Us for Whiplash Injury Attorney

    If you or a loved one has experience whiplash symptoms, you may have legal grounds to seek compensation. Talk to a personal injury attorney that is committed to helping clients who have suffered whiplash injuries. Don’t delay! Call Clay now!

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