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Are Self-Driving Cars Safe?

Automated self-driving cars are becoming a rage across the United States. A remarkable example of bleeding-edge 21st-century technology, these cars are reshaping the auto-mobile industry like never before.

Yet, despite their rising popularity and subsequent proliferation across cities, the safety and reliability of self-driving cars remain under question. Quite a few incidents of crashes and accidents have been reported from different cities, as more and more of these vehicles have started operating on the street. Reputed car accident attorneys believe that the inadequate safety record of self-driving cars could be a major cause of concern.

So, are self-driving cars truly safe?

Dangers of Automated Driving

More than 46 companies in the USA (Google Waymo, Tesla Autopilot, etc.) have designed and conducted on-road testing of their automated vehicles, with some companies having made their cars commercially available. These cars are fully autonomous, can drive by themselves without any driver input but are often programmed to hand over controls in unmapped areas or during severe weather conditions.

  • The nature and timing of the hand-over process pose a considerable risk and is present in every brand and type of self-driving car.
  • Despite the advanced nature of the technologies involved, their nascent nature makes them prone to errors, calculation & sensory mistakes, and other problems.
  •  Most automated cars require their driver to remain vigilant. Numerous cases have been reported where drivers were completely distracted and even asleep with the vehicle operating without any supervision. Such irresponsible behavior stems from misplaced over-confidence in the vehicle’s systems and can have fatal consequences.
  • Cyber-security threats are a major risk for automated vehicles. Hacking and remote access are quite possible, despite the security features. 
  • Unexpected malfunction of the car’s systems can be deadly for both the driver and other commuters.
  • A lack of real-world testing and on-read miles is another huge cause of worry. There is no record of the long-running performance of self-driving cars available in the market, which casts a shadow of doubt on the safety of these vehicles.

However, despite their risks, self-driving cars offer several benefits that are the major reasons behind their rise in popularity.

Automated Driving Benefits

  • Decreased instances of impaired driving and driving under the influence
  • Higher fuel efficiency as self-driving systems traverse the shortest distance to reach a destination
  • The Department of Transportation and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration state that self-driving cars outperform human drivers in many factors and parameters, such as road safety.

The Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess offers world-class legal assistance on a contingency fee basis for car, trucking, and other kinds of motor vehicle accidents. If you have been involved in an accident, be it human-driven or self-driven cars, do not delay and connect with us today. Seasoned car accident lawyers are here to help you fight your case with authority and achieve assured success. Call us or chat live with our client support team and schedule a FREE case evaluation.

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