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News & Case Studies

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to the carelessness or negligence of someone else, taking rational decisions may turn out to be challenging.

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    Maximize Your Compensation with a Car Accident Lawyer

    In the aftermath of an accident or injury, individuals often find themselves overwhelmed by the myriad of choices and legal rights available to them. It is crucial for victims to comprehend their rights, as this knowledge serves as the foundation for any subsequent actions they may take. Rights can vary significantly depending on the jurisdiction,… Read More »Maximize Your Compensation with a Car Accident Lawyer

    Steps to Take After a Car Accident

    In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, emotions can run high, and the adrenaline may surge through one’s body. It is crucial for individuals involved in the incident to remain calm and composed. Panic can cloud judgment, leading to hasty decisions that may complicate the situation further. Taking a moment to breathe deeply and… Read More »Steps to Take After a Car Accident

    5 Common Causes of Car Accidents

    If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident and are unsure of the steps to take following the incident, it’s crucial to be informed to protect yourself and your interests. An excellent resource to guide you through the process is available at

    5 Mistakes That Lead To Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

    5 Mistakes That Lead To Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Ideally, healthcare providers and hospitals are expected to provide competent medical treatment. However, if a medical professional’s failure to meet these standards leads to the patient’s injury or death, the healthcare provider can be held liable. If you or someone you love has become a victim of… Read More »5 Mistakes That Lead To Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

    Pothole Damage

    Is the City Liable for Pothole Damage to Vehicles? Rear-ended by a car when you are stopped for a traffic light? The other driver is liable for damage to your vehicle and for any injuries you suffer. What happens when your vehicle is damaged (or you are injured) because of a pothole in the road?… Read More »Pothole Damage

    Text Message Can Wait

    Distracted Driving In 2017, practically everyone has a cell phone. They make it easier for us to stay connected via phone calls, text messages and social media. They become problematic when we try to use them while driving a vehicle at 55 miles per hour. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has held multiple… Read More »Text Message Can Wait

    Teacher Pleads Guilty Felony Sex Offense Juvenile Student

    Teacher Pleads Guilty Former Teacher Pleads Guilty to Felony Sex Offense of Juvenile Student Paula Latiolais Pleads No Contest to Sex Offense Felony Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile NEW IBERIA, LA – According to documents maintained in the public record Paula Latiolais pleads no contest to the sex offense, Felony Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile.… Read More »Teacher Pleads Guilty Felony Sex Offense Juvenile Student

    After Car Accident

    What Shouldn’t I Say After a Car Accident? After a car accident, there are steps you must take to ensure your own safety (or anyone else) and, to properly document the accident for law enforcement and insurance reasons. There are also some things you should never, ever do after a wreck. Do not leave the… Read More »After Car Accident

    Early Voting Lafayette Parish

    November 16th Election Early Voting Early voting has begun in Louisiana for the November 16th election. Early voting is open to all registered voters within their parish. There are no special qualifications to be eligible for early voting. If you will be out of town for the election, you are eligible. Are you scheduled to… Read More »Early Voting Lafayette Parish

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