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News & Case Studies

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to the carelessness or negligence of someone else, taking rational decisions may turn out to be challenging.

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    Workplace Sexual Harassment

    What’s the Impact of the Harvey Weinstein Scandal on Workplace Sexual Harassment? In October 2017, the New York Times fixed a spotlight on Harvey Weinstein by publishing a story detailing three decades of sexual harassment accusations and cover-ups. In the weeks since the story rocked the entertainment industry, dozens of women have come out with… Read More »Workplace Sexual Harassment

    The Text Message Can Wait

    Distracted Driving In 2017, practically everyone has a cell phone. They make it easier for us to stay connected via phone calls, text messages and social media. They become problematic when we try to use them while driving a vehicle at 55 miles per hour. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has held multiple… Read More »The Text Message Can Wait

    Safe Transaction Zones in Louisiana

    Craigslist, Facebook, Wanted Ads Online sales and person-to-person transactions are incredibly popular.  Facebook groups like For Sale, Wanted or Free in Acadiana, and hundreds of others like it, list items for sale within the local community. People regularly sell items in local newspaper classified ads. Craigslist sells millions of items every year. You can buy anything… Read More »Safe Transaction Zones in Louisiana

    Drowsy Driving. How Unsafe is Driving While Fatigued?

    Fatigue & Drowsy Driving Those monotonous drives on the I-10 do make a person tend to fade out or “drift off”, especially if it is a regular commute. Everyone experiences something like this on any road or highway. Often we do not want to admit that we are “too tired to drive”. We all know… Read More »Drowsy Driving. How Unsafe is Driving While Fatigued?

    Car Accidents in an Unsafe Environment

    After an accident, we do our best to take stock of the situation. We may exit the vehicle and begin to gather information for the police and our attorney. However, it is not always possible to accomplish this safely. At all times, our safety is the number one priority. Take stock of your situation and… Read More »Car Accidents in an Unsafe Environment

    ULL Softball Team Press Release

    PRESS RELEASE – UL Women’s Softball Team The Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess represent some UL softball team players concerning possible Title 9 violations committed by The University of Louisiana–Lafayette. These are very serious issues that not only go to the core of gender equity but also involve discrimination because they are female athletes… Read More »ULL Softball Team Press Release

    Managing Medical Information After an Accident

    Keeping Track of Medical Bills After a car accident that results in personal injury, there will be a lot to keep track of. Accident documentation, police reports, statements to insurance, medical information, and missed work records are important. Some statistics say up to 80% of medical billing may contain some form of error. Keeping a… Read More »Managing Medical Information After an Accident

    Fault vs No-Fault Accidents

    Fault States and No-Fault States The United States is not completely united in the way each state handles legal matters. While most states rely on the same standards for legal liability, there are fault and no-fault states. Fault, of course, is determined by finding out which party in an incident was negligent. By not exercising… Read More »Fault vs No-Fault Accidents

    Is the City Liable for Pothole Damage to Vehicles?

    Rear-ended by a car when you are stopped for a traffic light? The other driver is liable for damage to your vehicle and for any injuries you suffer. What happens when your vehicle is damaged (or you are injured) because of a pothole in the road? Poor road conditions, including potholes, is often the cause… Read More »Is the City Liable for Pothole Damage to Vehicles?

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