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If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to the carelessness or negligence of someone else, taking rational decisions may turn out to be challenging.

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    Dangers of Driving at Sunrise and Sunset: An Analysis

    A car accident is an unfortunate fact of life. Though it may appear far-fetched that certain hours of the day are more dangerous, crash statistics suggest it otherwise. Sunrise and sunset are often considered two most uncertain times to be behind the wheel as the vision of the driver is compromised. It’s because the light of the… Read More »Dangers of Driving at Sunrise and Sunset: An Analysis

    Did You Know These Traffic Rules and Regulations in New Orleans? Take a Look

    The city of New Orleans always had its distinctive way of doing things: brightly painted houses, matchless cuisine, and parades that shut down the roads every year. Similarly, when it comes to traffic and driving laws, the city has some quirky rules and distinctive local traffic regulations related to registration, maintenance, and more. Our New Orleans injury attorneys at… Read More »Did You Know These Traffic Rules and Regulations in New Orleans? Take a Look

    Negotiating Your Car Accident Settlement? Helpful Tips to Maximize Payment!

    Dealing with the aftermath of a car collision can be overwhelming, especially if you were injured. For a fair settlement, you must understand the basics of negotiating with your insurance company. Even if you’ve never negotiated with insurance companies before, it’s possible to obtain an auto accident settlement that takes into account the pain and suffering you’ve… Read More »Negotiating Your Car Accident Settlement? Helpful Tips to Maximize Payment!

    All You Need to Know About Car Accidents in Parking Lots

    Parking lots are often chaotic and full of dangerous hazards. Parking areas at office buildings, apartments, and other places can have a high volume of cars and pedestrians. Motorists, in fact, may get easily distracted by limited visibility. As determining liability in parking lot accidents is difficult therefore, these cases turn out to be complicated.… Read More »All You Need to Know About Car Accidents in Parking Lots

    Protecting Your Outdoor Animals During Cold Weather

    Freezing Temperatures & Outdoor Animals South Louisiana is experiencing incredibly cold weather. Temperatures are dropping below freezing overnight across the state and are expected to stay cold throughout the first week of January. You will be hearing TV news anchors and radio station disc jockeys reminding people to protect the Three P’s. Pets. Pipes. Plants.… Read More »Protecting Your Outdoor Animals During Cold Weather

    Thanksgiving Safety Tips

    What’s not to love about Thanksgiving? It’s got everything you could possibly want. Turkey! The food! The family!? Dessert! Football on TV! The cocktails!! More dessert! Uncle William and Aunt Susan arguing about whether or not the potatoes are better with or without lumps! In Louisiana, we do food holidays big. When you are arranging… Read More »Thanksgiving Safety Tips

    Early Voting in Lafayette Parish

    November 16th Election Early Voting Early voting has begun in Louisiana for the November 16th election. Early voting is open to all registered voters within their parish. There are no special qualifications to be eligible for early voting. If you will be out of town for the election, you are eligible. Are you scheduled to… Read More »Early Voting in Lafayette Parish

    Car Accident Statistics in Baton Rouge, LA

    Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of injuries and deaths in Baton Rouge, LA. While the fatality rate has significantly decreased, it’s still fairly high. Statistics of Car Crashes in Louisiana You can’t prevent every accident, but knowing about their common causes can help you avert some of them. Our seasoned car accident attorneys in… Read More »Car Accident Statistics in Baton Rouge, LA

    All You Need to Know About Drunk Driving Car Accidents

    Car accidents in Louisiana occur for a variety of reasons. However, when there’s a crash, the first thing that comes to mind is whether it is due to distracted driving. Unfortunately, one of the most common reasons for car accidents in Alexandria is driving under the influence of alcohol. Per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration… Read More »All You Need to Know About Drunk Driving Car Accidents

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