Commercial trucks are significant to America’s economy, but they also pose a threat to roadway safety. Trucking collisions are often devastating for small vehicles due to the gigantic size and immense weight of trucks. Our trucking accident lawyers in Baton Rouge, LA debunk 4 common myths about truck driving: Myth: Large rear-mirrors enhance a truck driver’s visibility… Read More »Debunking 4 Common Misconceptions About Trucking
News & Case Studies
If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to the carelessness or negligence of someone else, taking rational decisions may turn out to be challenging.
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Mandatory Automobile Checkups to Ensure Safety on the Roads
Maintenance of your vehicle at regular intervals is crucial to ensure your safety and people driving their cars around you. If you own a car, you need to understand that you are operating a moving piece of machinery that needs to be maintained and kept in the safest possible condition. Timely maintenance can save you… Read More »Mandatory Automobile Checkups to Ensure Safety on the Roads
Is a Police Report Mandatory When Proving Negligence in a Car Accident?
Car accidents are sometimes minor ‘fender benders’ and do not involve injuries. These car collisions occur in parking lots and when cars are back from parking spaces. Most of these accidents do not lead to significant injuries to motorists and passengers. Such collisions, however, may cause slight damage to the cars and the question often arises… Read More »Is a Police Report Mandatory When Proving Negligence in a Car Accident?
Do You Have These 5 Experienced Witnesses to Validate Your Car Accident Claim?
Some car accident cases require a straightforward determination of who was at fault for the collision. On the other hand, certain collisions are more complicated and demand the validation of witnesses. When you picture expert witnesses, you often imagine dramatic courtrooms that make the evening news. The fact is expert witnesses are a part of almost everyday… Read More »Do You Have These 5 Experienced Witnesses to Validate Your Car Accident Claim?
7-Point Checklist: Steps to Follow After a Trucking Accident
Accidents involving gigantic trucks result in life-threatening injuries and fatalities. As per statistics, more than 100,000 Americans suffer from deadly collisions involving massive vehicles. Most fatal injuries are the result of the immense weight and size of the trucks. If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a trucking accident, our auto accident… Read More »7-Point Checklist: Steps to Follow After a Trucking Accident
Are You Following These Defensive Driving Techniques to Prevent a Car Crash?
Car collisions are a severe problem and are causing an alarming number of life-threatening injuries and deaths throughout Baton Rouge. Fortunately, knowing how to protect yourself from devastating injuries can safeguard you and your loved ones from deadly accidents and injuries. Our Baton Rouge injury attorneys at the Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess provide 7 defensive driving techniques… Read More »Are You Following These Defensive Driving Techniques to Prevent a Car Crash?
E-Cigarette Accidents and Injuries
Several injuries are caused by the use of e-cigarettes and the most severe ones are caused when the cigarettes explode. Injuries from e-cigarette explosions include deep tissue burns, chemical burns, and damage to skin, and bones that require prolonged treatment. A study published in the year 2018 states that there were more than 2,000 e-cigarette… Read More »E-Cigarette Accidents and Injuries
How Advanced Technologies Can Help in Your Truck Accident Claim and Also Make Roads Safer
Most truck companies, manufacturers, regulators, and technology firms are increasingly adopting advanced technologies to improve truck safety. Innovative truck companies use fleet monitoring systems to track truck operations and also enhance truck safety. Fleet monitoring details compile significant evidence that can help to strengthen your case if you wish to claim compensation for all the… Read More »How Advanced Technologies Can Help in Your Truck Accident Claim and Also Make Roads Safer
Busting 5 Myths About Traumatic Brain Injuries in a Trucking Accident
Traumatic brain injuries can turn out to be the most devastating result of a trucking accident, slip and fall accident, an assault, or sports injury. Traumatic brain injury survivors often face costly rehabilitation and may require intensive medical care for the rest of their lives. Also, after an injury, the financial toll on families is enormous. The… Read More »Busting 5 Myths About Traumatic Brain Injuries in a Trucking Accident
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